Samstag, 13. August 2016

Wanderlust Award

Hey ihr Lieben :)

Ich wurde von der lieben Melissa dazu nominiert, den Wanderlust Award mitzumachen. Die Fragen sind auf Englisch :)

The Rules:
  1. Thank and link back to the Blogger who awarded you!
  2. Copy and paste the award (Logo, rules and questions) to your blog
  3. Answer the questions and nominate 5 less popular travel or Au Pair blogs which deserve more attention and followers.
  4. Dont’t forget to inform them about their nomination on their blog.
The Questions:
  1. Where will you go and/or where are you right now?
  2. What is your favorite place in this world so far?
  3. Who is  the most interesting person you’ve met so far?
  4. What is your most important travel item?
  5. How did/will your relatives feel about your trip?
  6. How many countries have you visited?
  7. How are you documenting your trip/s?
  8. What are your ultimate travel goals (Bucketlist #1-#3)
  9. What would you do if you didn’t have to work?
  10. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
My Answers:
  1. I will spend my Au Pair year in Washington, D.C. :)
  2. There are too many places... I love Italy but I also got to see wonderful places in Spain and France so far!
  3. I think I already met a few interesting people...
  4. My most important travel item is my camera to capture my adventures ♥
  5. Of course they are sad on the one hand but above all they are very supporting :)
  6. If "visiting" means not only traveling through but also sightseeing a bit and also spending at least one night... 9 countries (Germany :D, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Great Britain, Croatia, Turkey) ♥
  7. Mostly with my camera :) And my Au Pair adventure will also be documented on this blog.
  8. My ultimate travel goals in the USA are New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
  9. If I had enough money: travel and explore the world together with my friends and family ♥
  10. Creative, flexible/bendy, friendly? :D
People I nominate:
  1. Hannah
  2. Isabel
  3. Jasmin
  4. Katrin
  5. Anja 

Liebe Grüße,

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Hannah! Dankeschön für deinen Kommentar :) Ich werd so schnell wie möglich bei dem Award mitmachen, muss aber erstmal noch ein paar andere Einträge schreiben, war ja viel los die letzten Tage :D
    Liebste Grüße♥

  2. uuuund ja mein travel diary dingsbums hab ich selbst gemacht :)
